Logic and Reason

Talking with each other is the path to meaningful thought, discovery, and decision making.


when we are faced with a decision…

One of the best places to start is to define what we are contemplating using logic and reason. The videos below will begin a discussion about what it means to define something as alive. Take a look at the conversation, listen to the logic and personalize the reason…

It must be alive if…


If it's alive then…


What now?

We need You to inspire Human heads, hands, and hearts to work in Your Community!

How do you eat the elephant in the room?  One bite at a time….  It takes just one person to say “ok, I can forward a link!” and before you know it, you have another person that says, “if they can do that I can too!”.  Soon, You have a well-organized team that is making a difference in Your community.  And that person can be YOU!  Learn how to SHARE what You have discovered, DONATE what You can, JOIN us in the mission, AND YOU WILL HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE! 
